Google Updates Glass With Transit Directions

Unknown | 22:23 | 0 comments

You may feel that any individual who can manage the cost of a $1,500 combine of intelligent glasses may not be slanted to ride open travel, however Google has an alternate vision as a top priority.

On Monday, the organization discharged an overhaul to the wearable machine that will permit Glass wearers to view open travel bearings on the unit progressively.

The bearings will incorporate items, for example where to exchange to an alternate transport or prepare, and time gauges of to what extent it will take to achieve your goal, similarly as the headings offer deals with Google Maps.

Keeping in mind the majority of us have seen the picture of Google fellow benefactor Sergey Brin riding the New York City metro wearing the unit, this was back when there wasn't a $1,500 sticker appended to the mechanism. The way that each tech canny hoodlum out there likely realizes that Glass is the most exorbitant wearable PC in the wild could make wearing the mechanism on open travel a spot nerve-wracking.

Along these lines, unless you're Glass possessor living openly travel driven urban areas like New York or San Francisco, where even show biz stars might be considered riding the train, its impossible this characteristic will get a mess of utilization.

That said, when Google discharges a standard  and probably shabbier  form of Glass at some point in 2014, this new travel bearings characteristic could end up being truly popular indeed.

Image: Flickr, Ted Eytan

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