Apple Apply For The “iWatch” Trademark

Unknown | 01:40 | 0 comments

It looks as if Apple are emulating the pattern for smartwatches, after the organization seeks the "iwatch" trademark in Japan. The requisition was submitted on June 3 and showed up on the Japan Patent Office site on June 27.

The name is sorted as being for items like handheld machines or watches. 

There have been rumours that Apple was dealing with wearable innovation however Apple never affirmed them. Be that as it may, one of their most cutting edge ads shows a watch with an exceptionally fruit esq plan; this commercial and the way that they have petitioned the patent, is making it look more probable that a smartwatch is in the pipeline.

Bloomberg claims to have two sources who say that Apple have a group of in the ballpark of 100 item architects taking a shot at a smartwatch, which might be associated with ios units, incorporating the iphone.

It is rumoured that Google is likewise chipping away at a smartwatch, plus other major organizations in the business, also Sony who as of recently have a smartwatch in the item lineup.

[Image via mashable]

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