Larry Page Snubs Sun Valley Conference to Showcase Glass at Wedding

Unknown | 01:03 | 0 comments

Organizations advertise their new units and items yet not a single person it appears is as sharp as Larry Page. We realize that Page likes to show off Google Glass by wearing it at each chance yet he has arrived at another level as per reports, he wore a couple on Friday, whilst completing the part of groomsman at a wedding!

The Daily Mail daily paper has uncovered pictures of Page are wearing the Google Glass gadget, taken in Croatia, at the wedding of his sibling in-law.

Possibly we could pardon him flaunting the apparatus at the gathering, whilst individuals blend and share of the festivals yet in the pictures he is plainly wearing the glasses whilst strolling down the passageway!

Consistent with the Mail, Page was really upsetting the apparatus throughout the function, maybe turning the Polaroid on and off or beginning a recording.

Obviously this could simply be an out of this world exposure trick; it wouldn't be the first. However one really wants to consider how the lady and dress felt about this. Provided that it had been my wedding day, I might have been primed to hit him with my book .

[Image via dailymail]

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