64GB Nokia Lumia 1020 to Be a Telefonica Exclusive

Unknown | 10:00 | 0 comments

Be that as it may, it appears that a 64gb quality of the unit is additionally being ready, and that Telefonica will have restrictiveness on it.

A dripped press discharge from the remote transporter has affirmed this, while additionally revealing that the unit will in reality arrive on racks with a 41-megapixel photograph snapper on the once again, with 6 lenses and high-determination zoom.

The 64gb Lumia 1020 model, which is called Nokia Eros in said press discharge, will arrive available at some point in September, and will be accessible through the sum of the association's subsidiaries, incorporating Movistar, Vivo, and O2.

Long ago, an emitted interior report from O2 Germany sharp at the upcoming start of Nokia Mars and Nokia Eros on the transporter's system, which infers that the above could without a doubt work out. More will be authoritatively proclaimed today, so stay tuned to study the news.
